Sven-Oliver Proksch

Sven-Oliver Proksch is co-leader of work package 5 and Professor of Political Science and Chair for European and Multilevel Politics at the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics at the University of Cologne. His research interests include political representation, democratic political institutions, party politics, parliamentary debates, political text analysis, and European politics. His book The Politics of Parliamentary Debate: Parties, Rebels, and Representation (with Jonathan B. Slapin) has been published with Cambridge University Press and is the 2016 winner of the Richard Fenno award for best book in legislative studies as well as 2016 co-winner of the Leon Epstein award for best book on political organizations and parties. In work package 5, he leads the creation of an integrated database on parliamentary speech and legislation.

parliamentary debates I quantitative text analysis I political representation I European politics


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