Heike Klüver
Heike Klüver
Heike Klüver is Full Professor and Chair of Comparative Political Behavior at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and serves as Associate Editor at the Journal of Politics. She previously held positions at the University of Hamburg, at the University of Bamberg and at the University of Konstanz. She worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Nuffield College at the University of Oxford and received her PhD from the University of Mannheim. Her research focuses on Comparative Political Behaviour, in particular on Political Parties, Coalition Governments and Interest groups. She has published her work amongst others in the American Journal of Political Sciene, in the Journal of Politics, in Comparative Political Studies and at Oxford University Press. Please find further information on her website (www.heike-kluever.com).
Email: heike.kluever@hu-berlin.de